The South Dakota Paralegal Association invites you to join us in our goals to give to our communities, grow in legal education, and mentor to students in our field. How do we do this? By working together!
Membership - To join, please complete the membership application, which you can download from the button below. You can make your application payment on the Store page, or you can pay with a check. Please see the application for instructions on where to mail your application and check payment.
SDPA's Executive Committee named Tasha Altmann, ACP as Member of the Year on June 14, 2024. Tasha received the following nomination:
Tasha has been an active member of SDPA for many years. She has served on the Executive Committee in various positions throughout the years, including two terms as Treasurer. Since becoming certified, Tasha has attended many national NALA conferences and nearly all of SDPA's seminars. She also chose to earn the ACP credential. Tasha has supported SDPA by being a member or chair of various committees, including her recent service as chair of the Audit Committee. She has always been an active member of SDPA, has assisted nearly every year with public relations, and deserves to be recognized for her years of support, dedication, and service.
~ Vicki Blake, ACP, Past President 2019-2020
Ms. Tasha Altmann is the Paralegal of the Legal Department of Missouri River Energy Services (MRES). She is responsible for providing and performing internal legal services, assists in development and implementation of contract guidelines and procedures for legal department contract review, administrative assistance, maintaining confidential information to protect MRES and member interests, mitigate risk, identifying and preserving valuable work product, facilitate the access to and integrity of key operating information, and contain costs. She also maintains familiarity with procedural law and requirements of state regulatory and judicial bodies, assists with monitoring state regulatory activities, as well as federal developments of potential impact at the state level; and is responsible for legal research, drafting pleadings, discovery, contracts, and other legal documents as required.
In 2009, she was asked to take on the position of Records Administrator, in addition to her Paralegal duties, to which she graciously accepted. Records Management/Information Governance was a new project for the organization in which she assisted IT in building the electronic content management software to fit MRES file structure, assuring that it coincided with the MRES record retention schedule. In this role, she was responsible for managing the organization’s records-- hard-copy and electronic-- within the Electronic Content Management system software. She also played an important role in developing record management guidelines and procedures, compliance audits, selection and implementation of additional modules and many other duties. In 2019, MRES hired a new employee to takeover most of the record management duties so Ms. Altmann could continue to focus on her passion as a paralegal. She still has the responsibility of updating the Record Retention Schedule to meet business needs.
Before joining MRES, Ms. Altmann worked as a Legal Secretary for Crew & Crew Law Firm of Sioux Falls, S.D., for four years. She joined MRES in February 2006 as an Administrative Assistant for the Member & Public Relations department. In December, 2006, MRES created its Legal Department within the organization and Tasha transferred from the Member & Public Relations Department to the Legal Department shortly thereafter. In 2008, MRES promoted her and officially changed her title to “Paralegal.” Tasha earned her CP designation in September 2010, and her ACP in Contract Management and Business Organizations in 2021.
Ms. Altmann received an Associates of Applied Science degree in Paralegal/Legal Assistant from Nettleton Career College in 1997.
Tasha and her husband Justin have three adult sons combined. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, concerts, summers at the lake, yard work and spending time with family and friends.
Member (active), South Dakota Paralegal Association,
Member (active), National Association of Legal Assistants 2010-Present
2022-23 - Jessi Stucke, ACP, CEDS
2021-22 - Rebekah Mattern
2020-21 - Courtney Vanden Berg, CP
2019-20 - Clara Kiley, CP
2018-19 - Autumn Nelson, ACP
2017-18 - Jessi Stucke, ACP, CEDS
2016-17 - Chris Lillo, ACP
2015-16 - Cindy Smeins, ACP
2014-15 - Jessica Huyck, ACP
2013-14 - Karen Armstrong, PP, PLS
2012-13 - Jackie Hoefener, CP
2011-12 - Jennifer Frederick, CP
2010-11 - Michael Bultema
2009-10 - Valerie Winegar, CP
2008-09 - Vicki Blake, ACP
2007-08 - Cindy Smeins, ACP
2006-07 - Tammy Ackerman, CP
2005-06 - Terri Braun, CP
2004-05 - Deana Olson, CP
2003-04 - Karen Anderson
2002-03 - Rhonda Rentz, CP
SDPA encourages members to take NALA's Certified Paralegal (CP) exam as part of their professional development. SDPA offers one reimbursement each year for the exam fee (currently $435) to active members who take and pass the CP exam.
SDPA assists members who obtain NALA's Advanced Certified Paralegal (ACP) credential as part of their continued professional development. SDPA offers two reimbursements each year for the course fee (currently up to $300) to active members who successfully complete the specialty course of their choice.
SDPA encourages paralegal students to apply for this scholarship of $500 toward tuition. The winner is announced each year at the annual meeting in June!
What are your career goals?
Have you thought about becoming a NALA Certified Paralegal?
The Professional Development Committee leads study groups for SDPA members who are planning to take the NALA Certified Paralegal exam. If you are interested in joining this study group or would like additional information, contact the Professional Development Committee.
Also, please contact us if you would like to post a notice of a study group in your area! We are always looking for new ways to advance in paralegal studies!